This product is for intuitive readings conducted by Cheryl in the New Earth Energies store (Wake Forest, NC). Each product includes 30 minutes of session time (all sessions offered).
For sessions longer than 30 minutes, add multiple prducts/units to your cart. For example, if your reading lasted 60 minutes, then purchase 2 product units. If your session lasted 120 minutes, purchase 4 product units. In-person readings and sessions are all based on 30 minute intervals.
30 minutes of.time costs $55.00 (1 product)
60 minutes of time costs $110.00 (2 products)
90 minutes of time costs $165.00 (3 products)
120 minutes of time costs $220.00 (4 products)
150 minutes of time costs $275.00 (5 products)
In-Person Session (30 minute increments) at New Earth Energies Store
SKU: 0013