Trance Channel
Medical Intuitive
Ascension Facilitator
You Deserve An Extraordinary Life
Let's Elevate You Beyond Conventional Personal Growth
Into The Ascended, Supported, And Empowered New Reality That Awaits You

Will Elevate Your Perception

Bring Clarity To
Trusted Spiritual Guidance For Body, Mind, And Soul Transformation

Do you desire more peace and joy in your life?
Would you like to improve and expand your relationships?
Are you desiring more success in your career?
Are physical or emotional limitations overwhelming?
Would knowing your life purpose assist along your path?
Welcome to INLight With Queve
I'm Cheryl, and together we'll find the answers and solutions you've been looking for. I'm here to help empower your life with clarity, growth and excellence, through energetic guidance and healing. I host and channel high spiritual energies that will guide you into the transformational experience you seek. Energy guides are here to accept you just as you are, while embracing you fully in love, and without judgement. They come through to assist in removing blocks that limit you from living the life you desire. Are you ready to discover and manifest the life of your dreams? Then, let's begin your exciting journey together, and remove "liminality" from your life.

How Spiritual Energy Work Expands Your Life
Energy work is a type of holistic healing, in complement with professional medical guidance and treatment. It activates the subtle energy body system to realign and remove blockages that can have profound negative effects upon our physical, mind, emotional, and spiritual body energy system. Emerging now as more universally accepted, energy work dates back to ancient times, and is rooted in Christianity, as well as other Western and Eastern faiths. There are many different types of energy healing, modalities and frameworks, however, all work to adjust and direct proper energy flow throughout the complete body system.
The human body is an energy system comprised of physical and non-physical energy.. Both chemical and universal life-force energy flow through the physical body and our energy body field to keep us alive. All living organisms radiate a bioelectric energy field, or subtle body. When energy flows freely through all our cells, we are healthy and full of vitality. By design, this is the natural state of the human body system. However, when imbalance occurs on any level of the system, it has a direct effect upon our physical body.
Success follows you when you learn to follow your intuition.
Let's remove the blocks that interfere with you hearing, knowing, and doing.

Inspiration For You

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